The Herb Alpert Music Academy Applied Program at Los Angeles City College (LACC)

The Herb Alpert Music Academy Applied Program at Los Angeles City College (LACC)

The Herb Alpert Music Center at Los Angeles City College is excited to announce that we are accepting applications for our next class of Alpert Scholars for Fall ’18. Students can apply and audition for the Herb Alpert Music Academy Applied Program, which provides private lessons in the students’ area of focus and allows them to complete their first two years of a Bachelors program while at LACC. Students working toward an AA in music or a Commercial Music Skills Certificate in Music Technology, Performance, or Composition are also eligible for the Herb Alpert Scholarship. While completing one of these programs, the deadline to apply and ensure a scholarship is June 1, 2018. The application, audition requirements, and further details about The Herb Alpert Music Center can be found online at  The Herb Alpert Music Center looks forward to helping Hamilton graduates continue their path in music education and achieve their transfer and career goals.
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